May 4th 2024


God I can't wait for school to be over! I can't wait dude seriously I don't want to be at school anymore everything about my middle school sucks and i mean it too. But you know what dosen't suck? My teachers! At leasts some of them some of them i don't really care about while others are my favroite so i might as well list them out! Number 1: Mr Grame: The greates science teacher ever really gonna miss him since all the science teachers are also leaving due to how shit the school is! Number 2 Miss Roseavelt: Yeah i know i suck at spelling but do i give a fuck? besides that shes one of the best history teachers i've had + shes going to the high school too so thats cool! Number 3 Miss Lasitor: My 7th grade history teacher she was the best I'm pretty sure she will still be working at my middle school so yuh.