May 22th 2024


Today is my birthday! + My Graduation out of that shit ass middle school! So yeah i'm 15 now almost able to drive a car and going into High School now am i happy? YES I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY i feel so happy dude i won't have to see Miss Piggy or any student or teacher i dislike hey and since it's my birthday how bout we list somethings that happend on my birthday

"The 2011 Joplin EF5" I Fucking love tornadoes! I love em so much ever since i was a little kid i've been obssesed with them. Why? I don't know to be honnest maybe it was having to go into the basement when i was a little kid in Minniesota during a storm or it was 2 year old me seeing the news coverage from the Joplin tornado i have no clue but yeah i love tornadoes. Maybe i should have a section on my website all about storm chasing and tornadoes?