May 17th 2024


Today was the 8th grade dance which was at the high school. Now the high school is awesome it's all big n shit yk it's great and the dance well the dance was alright yeah i'll probably put some pictures here later cause it's fuckin 9:10 as i'm writing this so be a little patient boy and go wait alright! But yeah we had free food some photos n shit yeah it was awesome but GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!! THEY KEPT ON GETTING BUTHURT ABOUT MY CAMERAS!!!!!! LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD DUDE IT'S A DANCE CALM THE FUCK DOWN! I don't know it pisses me off even my friend Sal was shocked by that and he's going to be a sophmore next year which lucky for him! he's getting out a year earlier than me but too my one friend who wasn't at the dance who may be checking on my website rn I'm sorry you missed out a little bit yeah the beginning was weak as fuck(weaker than a ethopian child starvinhg in africa right now as we speak) it was good you should've seen me spazing on the floor!