July 28nd 2024


Hey all. Again sorry for there not being that many updates in recent times it's just that nothing goes on during summer so yuh! Anyway in 2 days i will be starting high school. A lot of things will be better(at least mostly better) than during middle school (Fuck you Miss Piggy) and i've grown a lot over the past couple of months siting on my ass playing Serious Sam n shit. It feels like yesterday the 6th grade just started and i was back at my elementary school hanging out with my friends behind a tree and obsesing over a programing language. Okay let me explain why we were obsesing over a programing language at the time i was real big on Unity(the game engine) at the time i was like 12 and still was like a wee little lad! So back before Unity 5 ever came out prior versions of Unity(Around 2-4) came with 3 programing languges C#, Javascript, and the most important one of the story BOO! Boo was a programing language similar to Python but wasn't used very much which is why around Unity 5 it was removed but for some reason we were obssesed with it i remember me and Brock would always be yapping about it! God i know it sounds odd but to me those were the best times of my life. Theres this quote from Kellog(Fallout 4) that he said "You don't realize you were happy until you look back on it" or something like that i don't know. I was so happy back then even in the 7th grade i was happy yeah i started hating the new school i was in(Where i live 6th grade stays in the elementary schools) but i was still happy. It wasn't until the 8th grade things went to shit!