August 29st 2024


I apolgize for these updates not being as frequent as before. High School is great i guess. The only thing i dislike is the stress all the work is putting on me. I feel like i'm gonna blow up or something! Now of course all this work is coming from Biology and Math for one my Biology teachers a "retarded bitch" and Math is just way too hard for me. You see i'm kind of a dumbass when it comes to math. Today i was stressin out over this test cause i didn't understand a single fuckin thing! At it was distrubutive shit and everyone knows that! I'm just slow as shit so now since my grade in math is a D i'm taking after school tutoring since i don't understand shit. For biology i'm prob gonna work on it myself or have my mom help me with it. but for Film&Tv and Theator Tech... IT'S AWESOME! Those are probably my best classes of the day! There sick as fuck! The only class other than biology i really dislike is "Future Focus". It fuckin blows everyday we learn about "Being Nice" and "Caring". Bitch we ain't 1st graders we know all this basic shit. It's just boring and she keeps lowering my grade even tho she said this class is a easy A! But enough about the classes what about my social life? Well i got a girlfriend n shit! She's super sweet i love her so much! And you know it's the usual Me and Matt and Robin hanging out n shit. Besides i'm planing this September to go to Matt's house n shit so that will be fun! Anyways Night Night.