April 26th 2024


HEY YOU L00ZERZ It's me again defcreshstock back again to be a yapaholic about my personal issues! Recently we have went up state to watch a "Savannah Banana's Game" and it sucked like a lot it was straight ass dude they were trying to be funny and like "How you do fellow kids?" type shit you know? Honnestly it's my least favroite thing but my mom and sister loved it well of coruse they did there a bunch of basic white girls who are swifties espically my mom. And lets talk about my mother now everyone has problmes including my father who always yells but my mom oh jeezs my mom! She thinks video games like Doom, GTA, etc all cause violence which is fucking bullshit cause violence is a choice and has nothing to do with video games which has led me to buy the games that i love and hold dearly so much myself and today she got so buthurt cause i bought 34x32 sized pants. Like WHAT???? There not your fucking pants why should you care? jesus christ she went all moody on me and made it like i tried buying a gimp suit! Same with my sister jeez like grow up dude!